Saturday 27 September 2014

Shes the man - mise en scene for opening scene

The main character is shown to be a teenage girl called Viola Hastings whose name we find out later into the film. At the beginning, Viola is happily playing soccer at a beach with the company assumed to be classmates. Voila carries on the scene by competitively playing soccer with her friends showing her amazing skills to the audience. The use of the life guard ring and the football going through it shows that she has perfected her soccer skills to a good quality to be able to shoot it where possible. Furthermore it shows Viola as more of masculine girl because females are not shown to be great at sports however in this case it looks perfectly normal because other girls are involved as well.

As the opening scene progresses, Voila is on her way to soccer practise on the schools field only to realise her girls soccer team has been cut, the look on her face is blank as she breaks inside since soccer is the only thing she truly loved. A soccer ball is used in both the first scene and second scene, this could be contrasting the scenes because at first she is happy, excited and full of life however in the scene later on she uses the football to take out her stress and anger out on Justin.

Afterwards Viola is on the way to her front door, whilst walking om the path in her front garden the lightening to shown to be darker than usual and this could be pathetic fallacy showing the audience Voilas foul mood. Also her tatty hat, baggy hoody and jeans could reflect her masculinity in the film as she looks less feminine and that she is trying to hide away from the world. In the scene she is also confused for her twin brother Sebastian which reinforces the masculinity even more.

Overall the mise en scene in the opening scenes makes the main character of Viola Hastings seem really confident within herself amd her abilities of soccer however it takes a cruel turn as she ends up feeling distraught as her favourite sport is cut from her life.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Life After Beth

Life After Beth is the new Zom Rom Com featuring Dane DeHaan and Aubrey Plaza.

Synopsis: Zach (DeHaan) is dating Beth (Plaza) when she passes away from a fatal snake bite, he visits her grave where there is a hole in the floor. He eventually sees that she has mysteriously returned from the dead. Zach carries on their relationship but he realises she is not the way she used to be. (c) Imdb

Life After Beth is set to be released on the 1st October in cinemas in the UK. First thoughts were OMG Dane DeHaan and then there was so many enigma codes that need to be answered. Why are her parents hiding Beth from Zach? Why did she come back to life? What's going to happen to them as a couple? It may be darker than the previous Zom Rom Coms e.g. Warm Boddies but that does not mean that it is not full of comedy.

Counting down the days until I see this, I literally hate horrors so much but I think Dane DeHaan will be worth it. Fingers crossed.